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How Much Caffeine Is in Matcha?


It’s safe to say that most of us are a little happier with our morning java or tea. Though our morning caffeine decisions may differ, the health facts don’t lie, especially when it comes to Matcha.


Why do we opt for a caffeine fix in the first place? For starters, the energy boost. To put it into perspective, on average, one cup of coffee boasts a whopping 95 mg of caffeine, while one cup of Matcha contains 68 mg. But there is a huge difference in how the caffeine in Matcha affects your system.

Matcha’s shade-grown process creates the amino acid, L-theanine. When L-theanine is combined with the natural caffeine found in tea, it metabolizes more slowly, releasing the caffeine over a longer period of time and providing a stable 3-6 hour long energy boost (versus coffee’s 1-2 hour long energy boost). Ultimately, when it comes to Matcha, there is no spike or crash like with coffee.


Matcha is an amazing powerhouse of antioxidants and nutrients. Since Matcha’s leaves are ground into a fine powder, drinkers are essentially consuming and receiving 100% of the benefits of the entire tea leaf – antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and more. (You would need to steep 10 cups of green tea to receive the same amount of antioxidants found in one serving of Matcha!) Not to mention, Matcha contains higher antioxidant levels on a per gram basis than any other known natural fruits or vegetables – 1,384 ORAC units, to be exact! (Think 15x the antioxidants available in wild blueberries.) All in all, opting for Matcha is an easy step toward great health, disease prevention, and an antioxidant-rich diet.


Not all Matcha are the same. Since no formal regulations exist about specific Matcha blends, different grades of Matcha are available for consumers. (Yes, that inexpensive “ceremonial Matcha” might be low quality or even worse!) With a high-quality whisked Matcha, (like the Aiya Matcha we sell at Tea Market) the end product is a sweet, mild, and earthy traditional cup of hot tea.

Source: For unabridged article: MATCHA GREEN TEA VS. COFFEE, Posted by Aiya Matcha on Aug 27, 2021.

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